Team Members
Dr. Rüdiger Vonderbeck (stellvertretender Vorsitzender)
Alexander A. Baé (Schatzmeister)
Dr. Felix Cromme (Schriftführer)
Patient Care
Ernestine von Salomon
Manuela Rossi
Anna-Lena von Salomon
Felix Schmidt
Patient Organisation
Ernestine von Salomon
Dr. Brigitte Fleischer-Peter
Back Office
Susanne Breuer
Public Relations
Robert Auer (Kreativdirektor Scholz & Friends)
Member Admin
Stephan Andreas Zank
Legal Advice
RA Felix Ginthum
Insurance and civil liability
Jens Osburg
Photo Documentation
Thomas Bomm
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Gerhardt Wolff
Prof. Dr. jur. Helmut Satzger
Prof. Dr. Peter Raue
Freunde der Nationalgalerie
Maira Rothe
TV: Die Welt
Plastic Surgery
Dr. Felix Cromme
Dr. Henning Freiherr von Gregory
Prof. Dr. Ole Goertz
PD Dr. Jörg Hauser
Prof. Dr. Leila Harhaus
Dr. Leon von der Lohe
Prof. Dr. Frank-W. Peter †
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Daniel Tillkorn
Dr. Ruth Alamuti
Dr. Wolfgang Schönherr
Dr. Roberto Spierer †
Mouth / Jaw / Face Surgery
Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Stiller
Dr. Christoph Bickmann
Dr. Christoph Wiemer
Internal Medicine
Dr. Brigitte Fleischer-Peter
Dr. Rüdiger Vonderbeck
Felia Elban
DRK Kliniken Westend Berlin
Martin Luther Krankenhaus Berlin
Helios Klinikum Emil von Behring Berlin
Alfried Krupp Krankenhaus Essen
The non-profit organisation placet supports victims of terrorism in many ways. This is done in close cooperation with the associations “Friedendorf International” and the “German-Caucasian Society”, which have direct contact with the victims in their country or origin.
The organisation is dependent on donations. All donations are 100% tax deductible.
Although the operations are carried out free of charge by plastic surgeons and our doctors, there are costs for hospital stays, medication, special therapies, orthopaedic aids, transportation, etc.
All employees of the association, including the board members, work on a voluntary basis and each case is examined by the Chairman.
Each item of expenditure is reviewed by the board.
The use of donations is subject to the greatest possible duty of care and economic appropriateness. The association also endeavours to obtain donations in kind. The expected costs, income and expenses of the association are presented annually by the treasurer, Alexander A. Baé, in a budget. A security reserve is also considered.
The general meeting discusses and approves the future budget at the annual general meeting. All payments are generally processed via the house bank and the association’s cash office – duly executed with all incoming and outgoing payments being documented (stating the reason and purpose).
The treasurer, Alexander A. Baé, is a tax advisor by profession and has a degree in business administration and has the necessary knowledge of tax laws and association rules. Of course, as required by law, an annual cash audit is carried out by elected members after timely presentation of the accounts by the financial officer.
The written cash audit report to the board of directors and the presentation of the situation to the members is determined by the statutes of the association, as is the exclusion of the influence of the board on the audit report.
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Commerzbank, Germany
IBAN: DE19 1008 0000 0824 0292 00
Contact Persons in Germany
Prof. Dr. Ole Goertz
Jesko Breuer
Waldenserstraße 6
10551 Berlin