
Donate now to the Plastic Surgery
Center for Terror Victims e.V.
Account: Commerzbank
IBAN: DE19 1008 0000 0824 0292 00
Donations are 100% tax deductible.

Donate, but do it with peace of mind! Because placet e.V. is both audited and recommended.

As of 2023, we hold the Donation Seal of the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI). It is THE seal of quality for reputable charitable organisations.

The DZI Donation Seal certifies that we handle the funds entrusted to us carefully and responsibly. The seal also officially certifies that placet e.V.’s management and supervisory functions are effectively established and clearly separated from each other, that advertising and public relations are clear, unambiguous and rooted in fact, that funds are used economically, efficiently and effectively, that the annual financial statements are conclusive and independently audited, and that ample basic information is published in the annual report and on the website.

The Placet e.V. Association

Treatments free of charge – the association placet e. V. makes a healthy, new life possible for terror victims

Since 2001 placet e. V. has been committed to the plastic-surgical treatment and health care of people who have been seriously injured by war or terror and cannot receive appropriate medical treatment in their countries of origin.

Behind the non-profit Berlin association are the founder Prof. Frank-Werner Peter (https://www.beauty-pro.de/) and a group of renowned doctors working on a voluntary basis as well as a committed staff. As well as aid organizations, churches and private initiatives.


placet is there for the injured from Ukraine.

Prof. Dr. Frank-Werner Peter, founder of placet e.V.

Over 700 operations since 2001

The placet doctors have operated on over 70 patients more than 600 times since 2001.
Disfigurements, burn scars, functional disorders, contractures, open wounds and other physical defects are treated with plastic surgery (including microsurgical techniques).

In addition to functional reconstruction, the placet team of doctors also aims to restore a dignified, aesthetic appearance. At the same time psychologists take care of the psychological consequences of the trauma.
In this way, patients – mainly children and young people – are given back independence, courage and dignity and are given a new, healthy life.

From the conflict zones to Germany

The victims of terrorism come from Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Kenya, Angola, Tajikistan and Mauritania. The placet staff also help with the formalities and requirements of daily life. Interpreters are consulted in case of language problems.

The patients, often children, are usually accompanied by a family member. We provide them with everything they need to live: accommodation, food and drink, new clothes.
As well as medical care. From orthopaedic aids, medicines, physiotherapy to dressing material.

Once the treatment is completed, the patients return to their homes. Some of the children remain in the SOS Children’s Village or Peace Village until they have fully recovered. There they are looked after, go to school and learn the German language.

Press Quotes

“Finally, Amir can laugh again.”

Qualvolle Jahre liegen hinter Amir (6). Bei einem Unfall in seiner afghanischen Heimat hatte er als Kleinkind schlimme Verletzungen erlitten. Weil die nicht fachgerecht behandelt wurden, bildeten sich großflächige Narben, die ihn sogar beim Essen und Trinken behinderten.

Bild Zeitung 02.2020

“Donate hope.”

“Yes, we were diligent and spent your money wisely”, writes Prof. Dr. Frank-Werner Peter from the Klinik am Wittenbergplatz.

Thanks to his Plastic Surgery Center for Terror Victims (placet), children who have been victims of war, torture or terror can be treated at the Helios Clinic Emil von Behring or at the Martin Luther Hospital.

Der Tagesspiegel 11. 2019

“All the wounds, the terror.”

What is normal for us in Germany is a luxury for children in war and crisis zones: appropriate medical treatment.

All the wounds that wars, terror or accidents burn into bodies and souls every day in the world can often not be treated locally. People die from injuries and infections that could have been healed in a better place.

FOCUS 12.2018


The non-profit association placet e. V. was founded in 2002 by Prof. Frank W. Peter together with other doctors and committed individuals in order to help injured people, especially children, who lack their own financial means and cannot receive appropriate medical treatment in their countries of origin.

The association works closely with other aid organisations, churches and private initiatives to establish contact with the victims.

Selection procedure

The placet team of doctors decides who can be helped after reviewing the applications, documents and photos. The injured and, if necessary, their companions are flown to Berlin or Essen and treated.

Full support

The association works closely with other aid organisations, churches and private initiatives to establish contact with the victims.

Surgical Techniques

Disfigurements, burn scars, functional failures, contractures, open wounds and other physical defects are treated with the methods of plastic surgery, including microsurgical techniques.

Association Statutes

The statutes of the association placet. e.V. for download

Function, aesthetics & human dignity

Neben der funktionellen Rekonstruktion zielt das placet Ärzteteam auf die Wiederherstellung eines menschenwürdigen, ästhetischen Aussehens. Gleichzeitig kümmern sich Psychologen um die seelischen Folgen des Traumas.

This comprehensive treatment supports the development of the personality and the intercultural perspective of the patients.


Sustainability is important to placet. This means that we strive for long-term contact with our patients. Severe disfigurement requires many operations and recurring treatments.

Organizational profile

The supervisory body is the General Meeting, which meets annually. It decides on the discharge of the Executive Board and approves the financial statements.

Donate now!

Commerzbank, Germany
IBAN: DE19 1008 0000 0824 0292 00

Donations are 100% deductible.

Contact persons in Germany

c/o Frank W. Peter, MD, PhD
Klinik am Wittenbergplatz
Bayreuther Str. 36
D – 10789 Berlin

T +49. 30. 86 09 86 0
F +49. 30. 86 42 33 36