
Donate now to the Plastic Surgery
Center for Terror Victims e.V.
Account: Commerzbank
IBAN: DE19 1008 0000 0824 0292 00
Donations are 100% tax deductible.

Donate, but do it with peace of mind! Because placet e.V. is both audited and recommended.

As of 2023, we hold the Donation Seal of the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI). It is THE seal of quality for reputable charitable organisations.

The DZI Donation Seal certifies that we handle the funds entrusted to us carefully and responsibly. The seal also officially certifies that placet e.V.’s management and supervisory functions are effectively established and clearly separated from each other, that advertising and public relations are clear, unambiguous and rooted in fact, that funds are used economically, efficiently and effectively, that the annual financial statements are conclusive and independently audited, and that ample basic information is published in the annual report and on the website.

The Placet e.V. Association

Treatments free of charge – the association placet e. V. makes a healthy, new life possible for terror victims

Since 2001 placet e. V. has been committed to the plastic-surgical treatment and health care of people who have been seriously injured by war or terror and cannot receive appropriate medical treatment in their countries of origin.

Behind the non-profit organization is a coalition of volunteer renowned doctors and dedicated staff members, as well as aid organizations, churches, and private initiatives.


Placet e.V. is passionately committed to providing medical care for injured patients, particularly from crisis regions such as Ukraine and the Gaza Strip. If you have contacts who can help us identify and support these people, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Together, we can help alleviate suffering and bring hope. We look forward to your feedback and support!

Prof. Dr. Frank-Werner Peter, founder of placet e.V.

Over 800 operations and new hopes since 2001

Since 2001, the dedicated doctors of placet e.V. have enabled more than 800 life-changing operations for over 80 patients from war and crisis regions. Using state-of-the-art plastic surgery, including microsurgical techniques, we treat disfigurements, burn scars, functional disorders, contractures, open wounds, and other physical injuries.

Our goal extends beyond functional reconstruction: We aim to restore a dignified and aesthetic appearance to our patients. In parallel, psychologists support those affected to heal the emotional wounds of experienced trauma.

Through our work, we especially give children and young people new independence, courage, and dignity – and the chance for a healthy, fulfilling life.

From Crisis Regions to Germany

The patients we treat come from crisis regions such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Kenya, Angola, Tajikistan, and Mauritania. Often victims of terror and war, at placet e.V. they receive not only life-saving medical care but also support with paperwork and daily challenges. Language barriers are overcome with the help of interpreters to ensure seamless care.

The affected individuals, often children, usually arrive accompanied by a family member. With us, they find everything they need for living: safe accommodation, nutritious meals, new clothing, and comprehensive medical care. From orthopedic aids and medications to physiotherapy and necessary bandaging materials – we take care of everything.

After completing treatment, most patients return to their home countries. Children who need more time for recovery are placed in facilities such as SOS Children’s Villages or Peace Village (Friedensdorf). There, they receive not only care and support but also education and the opportunity to learn the German language – another step toward hope and future.

Press Quotes

“Finally, Amir can laugh again.”

Qualvolle Jahre liegen hinter Amir (6). Bei einem Unfall in seiner afghanischen Heimat hatte er als Kleinkind schlimme Verletzungen erlitten. Weil die nicht fachgerecht behandelt wurden, bildeten sich großflächige Narben, die ihn sogar beim Essen und Trinken behinderten.

Bild Zeitung 02.2020

“Donate hope.”

“All the wounds, the terror.”

Our Surgical Techniques

Function, Aesthetics & Human Dignity

The placet medical team employs state-of-the-art methods of plastic surgery, including microsurgical techniques, to treat disfigurements, burn scars, functional failures, contractures, open wounds, and other physical defects. Our goal is to restore function and aesthetics and give patients a new sense of life.

Our work goes beyond purely functional reconstruction: The placet medical team places great emphasis on restoring a dignified, aesthetic appearance. Psychological support helps heal the emotional wounds of experienced trauma. This holistic care promotes not only recovery but also personality development and intercultural perspective of our patients.

Selection procedure

Each application is carefully reviewed: The medical team decides based on documents, photos, and medical reports who can be helped. The selected patients – often accompanied by a family member – are flown to Berlin or Essen and receive comprehensive treatment there.

Sustainability – Long-term Support

Sustainability is central at placet. Many of our patients with severe injuries require repeated interventions and long-term care. Therefore, we maintain contact even after initial treatment to ensure continuous care.

Surgical Techniques

Disfigurements, burn scars, functional failures, contractures, open wounds and other physical defects are treated with the methods of plastic surgery, including microsurgical techniques.

Association Statutes and Cooperation

The statutes of the association placet. e.V. for download . Our association works closely with aid organizations, churches, and private initiatives to establish contact with victims and provide targeted support.

Organization Profile – Supporting Structures

The annual general meeting is the central supervisory body of placet e.V. It decides on the discharge of the board and approves the financial statements. With clear structures and transparent management, we are committed to providing optimal support for our patients.

Activity Report and Financial Statements

Donate now!

Commerzbank, Germany
IBAN: DE19 1008 0000 0824 0292 00

Donations are 100% deductible.

Contact persons in Germany

Prof. Dr. Ole Goertz
Jesko Breuer
Waldenserstraße 6
10551 Berlin